进阶篇32. 设计系统应用实例(4)——总结
本案例的甲方是美国纽约州最大的医院集团Northwell Health,乙方是Drupal圈子里鼎鼎大名的Phase2。Northwell Health拥有23家医院,550多个门诊部及66000多名员工, 包括15000多名护士和3900名医师,每年为超过200万人提供医疗健康服务。
以下将使用NW作为Northwell Health的简写,P2作为Phase2的简写,三名演讲者的名字分别是Joey,Karly,Peter。他们将在演讲中进行自我介绍。

so design.northwell.io is our publicly accessible style guide and pattern library, so feel free to visit it and take a look. this is what we share across all of our different design teams or vendors and agencies that work on all different northwell digital properties. this site acts as our single source of truth for north Wells digital design, and it really helps us to make sure that everything stays in sync across the multiple properties, when we give the store design partners, we know that they're using the code that we've built, so we can guarantee it meets our standards for usability and accessibility.

and one of the greatest benefits to having a design system in place, is its ability to be teachable. it's really hard to teach something that's ever-changing, so once we had our library of reusable components, we held classes throughout the marketing department to teach people why they are designed the way they are. and how they can be used to assemble pages. we explained to everyone as a Lego Lake design system, where we printed and actually laminated each component. so that they could touch and feel them and move them around to create pages, similar like you'd be able to do in the back end of the site, the site builders with the different paragraphs, they could move them around.
so once people were able to actually touch and feel it, it became very real to them and much more understandable. we went from having only three digital designers to a team of more than 50 people, who felt empowered to work with the clients:our doctors, our physicians,to pull together different web experiences.
with these trainings everyone felt very confident, that they could articulate the design decisions that went into creating the design standards.

so having such a flexible design system coupled with the way it was built in Drupal8, lets our site builders stand up websites very quickly with minimal design oversight. having a team of three people and a very large organization made it very difficult time wise to actually do other work, when we needed to be involved every single time a page needed to be stood up. so now we have a lot of people who feel very confident doing it.
here's a few examples of northwell websites that have been created since we set up the design standards. the one to the left is what northwell.edu is going to be as soon as we migrate that page over. the other two are already live, there's the Cohen Children's Hospital website and our orthopaedic Institute. and you can see these compared to the earlier slide, these definitely now truly represent of our brand and they're all speaking from the same language.
and that's it, so we're happy to answer any questions or have any conversations if anybody please come to the mic if you guys have questions thank you.
另外,由于个人精力和能力都有限,以至于这几节的翻译不可避免的会在个别的具体细节上与演讲者的本意有所偏差,欢迎读者朋友们留言讨论及指正,不胜感激。当然,这里也必须再一次强调,晴空写的所有东西都是基于自己的经验和体会的,充满了个人偏见,其中也不乏各种胡说八道、道听途说、说了也白说的东西,各位看官看着喜欢就多看看,不喜欢就少看几眼。 ^_^ 谢谢!!